About Us
The Hamilton-Wentworth DECE Local is an ETFO Local, representing both permanent and occasional Early Childhood Educators working in Kindergarten in the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.
The HWDECEL Executive President: Tamara DuFour Vice-President: Christine Galvin (Early Intervention and Child Development Specialist)) Secretary/Treasurer: Jamie Millen (Bellmoore) Executive Member: Michelle Brock (Tapleytown) Executive Member: Jennifer Manners (Prince of Wales) Executive Member: Theresa Weylie (Pauline Johnson) |
Mission Statement
To secure and maintain the best possible terms and conditions of employment through collective bargaining. We strive to advance the cause of education and status of all members in the local. The Hamilton-Wentworth DECE Local promotes a high standard of professional ethics while fostering a climate of social justice. We promote and protect the interest of all members of the Local and the children in their care. |
You can find our constitution and our current collective agreement in the "members only" section of the website.